The truth behind ’s most powerful farmers lobby
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BRUSSELS — The Union’s biggest farming lobby claims to represent all the bloc’s workers, but Stela Zămoiu doesn’t believe it speaks for farmers like her. Zămoiu, 61, remembers when the land around her was full of smallholders. Today, her three hectares in eastern Romania are surrounded by large, industrial farms.
READ MORE: The truth behind ’s most powerful farmers lobby
SOURCE: Farmer & Cowboy Agriculture Businesses – European
NOTE: Agriculture businesses in the UK play a crucial role in the nation’s economy, environment, and society. By understanding the political, social, and economic dimensions of the agricultural sector, farmers and agribusiness owners can navigate challenges and seize opportunities to build resilient, sustainable, and profitable operations.
This comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights, practical tips, and strategies to support farmers in their journey toward sustainable farming practices. By focusing on financial management, marketing, risk management, community engagement, technological adoption, sustainable practices, animal welfare, and future outlook, UK agriculture can continue to thrive and contribute to the well-being of the nation and the environment.
Originally posted 2024-06-03 00:00:00.
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