Facts and figures on organic in the Union October 2013 6 production at level, with the exception of poultry. However, other types of animal production should be mentioned in the EU-27, such as pigs, which registered 10%, and goats, which were at 6% of organic production in in 2011.
| – {6/22/2024
United Kingdom (): product exports Q1 2015-Q4 2021. Total area of peas in hectares in the United Kingdom () 2017, by country. Phosphate: volume used as a fertilizer in Scotland …
… – {6/22/2024
Taxes on goods and services and fuels and related concessions in . In almost all countries, standard value added and general tax rates range between 8% and 27% in Hungary ( Figure 2.3 ). The average tax rate in EU Member States is 22%, while for other OECD countries covered, the average rate is lower at 15%.
Status of Digital in 18 countries of and … – {6/22/2024
critical to helping farmers enhance their efficiency in production. E- centres on designing, developing, and applying innovative methods of ICT use within the sector in the rural domain. Many stakeholders have long recognized the need for strategies for national e-, also known as digital .
Fund for Rural Development – {6/22/2024
New rural value chains such as renewable energy, the emerging bioeconomy, the circular economy, and various types of tourism activities can offer good growth and job creation for rural areas. The Common Policy (CAP) under the Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD or so-called Second Pillar) supports the vibrancy …
Economy | SpringerLink – 12/28/2024
Abstract. Exaggerated claims have often been made for the importance of to the economy. It is sometimes talked of as the country’s biggest industry. In some ways it is; farming occupies four-fifths of the land area, clearly more than other types of production, although it could be argued that tourism and recreation in the …
Economy | SpringerLink
Abstract. Exaggerated claims have often been made for the importance of to the economy. It is sometimes talked of as the country’s biggest industry. In some ways it is; farming occupies four-fifths of the land area, clearly more than other types of production, although it could be argued that tourism and recreation in the …