Welcome to Nashville, Young Lady

Welcome to Nashville, Young Lady

Performed by Whiskey Wind & The Prairie Boys

Welcome to Nashville, Young Lady – DOWNLOAD

Well, sure you can have my autograph, but for advice…. “be lucky…”

No, I’m not the one you need to talk to…

Hits? Wow. I had 2 point 4 hits, I’m hardly the one to ask.
.. .
Welcome to Nashville, young lady.

You ain’t sleeping on the streets?

Not yet? that’s pretty witty.

You need to talk to the big dogs that won’t see ya… I don’t know what to tell ya… catch them in a café where they can’t get away?

Talk to Jose?

Who is Jose, you kidding me? …you ain’t never gonna make it in country music… Jose Quervo is tequila, Rhone is a color and a Deere is a tractor.

Take notes if ya gotta but if you weren’t country at age three, Nashville is gonna be an uphill climb or in those shoes a nose dive.

If you want to make a good living you got to put on a good show. Makeup? who said anything about makeup?

I might like your music if I was … well never mind.

Well, we ain’t got a damn bear on our flag… its.. Tennessee, that’s a Tennessee flag… The overall design was inspired by the flag of the USA and our state heritage. But actually it was so people remembered the Confederacy and particularly Chickamauga.

The Blue? A decorative element I imagine. It’s the red that count with people, ya see.

No, I don’t think it would make a great song. But you can try.

Wanna make it here? Oh that’s easy… order the pie at the Bluebird Cafe… and that’s as close as you’re gonnna get.

Clearly, you gotta pedigree, you annunciate everything really nice, but that proper grammar; that’s a problem.

This ain’t Mozart baby… or Pepperdine or the Galleria.

Are you wearing a letter jacket? What going on with that?

Well, lose the black hat… get a pair of boots and a belt buckle…

Learn a song “Murder on Music Row…”

And there’s a cereal that’ll help… In Nashville, you’ve got to “stand out,” and Cinnamon Toast Crunch is perfect for growing that… You need a “flavor” people can recognize from a mile away. If your music is like everyone else’s, no one’s going to bite. Be the Cinnamon Toast Crunch in a sea of plain Wheaties.

You’re welcome…

Try baby blue or peach maybe…

Never get drunk… or in your case never get even buzzed… with your look you’ll need to stay mobile…

God bless you… thanks for recognizing me here in this cafe… well the foods a little cold, now, but as long as were talking about Nashville… if you want make it and stay making it you gotta make time for everybody.

You talked to him? … About what? He ain’t written a song in 10 years. He said “jealous” or “generous”… in my opinion you can’t afford to be either.

Local honey keeps your man from running? He said that?

When you make friends, always… ask were they went to school…

He told you he’d write a song for ya. About ya. And it would be personal and for free? You pay him already?

Well, your hair looks a little out a place.

Oh, don’t worry about my dinner… it was cold when I got it.

And besides of you wanna make it and stay making it you gottta make time.

Not a problem; this sort of thing happens.

You’ll see.

Just keep at it…

People grow; and I hope you do.

Sure….you can take it from here…

Welcome to Nashville, Young Lady – Music and Lyrics by Alan Nafzger


Welcome to Nashville -- An illustration of a young woman in a high school letter jacket asking a 50-year-old country music star for an autograph inside a cozy Nashville café1.
Welcome to Nashville — An illustration of a young woman in a high school letter jacket asking a 50-year-old country music star for an autograph inside a cozy Nashville café1.

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