God Gave Her Hymn #537

God Gave Her Hymn #537

Performed by Bale Harrison and the Texas Field Hands

God Gave Her Hymn #537 — DOWNLOAD

(Verse 1)
Well, I was sittin’ in that church, just like every Sunday,
When my 99-year-old mama started to sing.
She hadn’t sung a hymn since she turned eighty,
But she opened her mouth, and Lord, she sang beautifully.

They said she had dementia, her mind was gone,
But she belted “Beautiful Savior” like she knew it all along.
Every word, every line, no hymnal in sight,
It was like God lit her soul with His holy light.

God gave her 537, clear as the day,
It wasn’t just muscle memory—no, it was His way.
She hadn’t sung a note in nearly 20 years,
But that day, she made the angels all shed tears.
Whether the recessional was for her or maybe it was for me,
God gave her 537, and set her spirit free.

(Verse 2)
The pastor said, “She probably memorized it as a child,”
I know better; but it was her confirmation hymn.
She hadn’t followed a hymn in quite a spell,
Yet there she was, singin’ sweet as a bell.

She sang “Beautiful Savior, King of creation,”
With a voice so pure; clearly related to salvation.
She was old, she was frail, but that didn’t stop God’s plan,
She sang “Beautiful Savior,” then she took His hand.

God gave her 537, clear as the day,
It wasn’t just muscle memory—no, it was His way.
She hadn’t sung a note in nearly 20 years,
But that day, she made the angels all shed tears.
Whether it was for her or maybe it was for me,
God gave her 537, and set her spirit free.

She finished the last line, and then she smiled,
And I knew, right then, she was God’s child.
The moment the song ended, she closed her eyes,
Went straight to heaven—no long goodbyes.

(Verse 3)
It’s true; God gave her the hymn at her confirmation,
and I know there’s a God now, and the hymn part of the celebration.
She hadn’t sung an entire song in years, without losing her place,
God gave her a voice, I’m sure just part of the Grace.

She sang “Beautiful Savior, Lord of the nations,”
Like Jesus Himself had entered the room.
And when she was done, she didn’t linger long,
She left with a smile, on the wings of that song.

God gave her 537, clear as the day,
It wasn’t just muscle memory—no, it was His way.
She hadn’t sung a hymn in nearly 20 years,
But that day, she made the angels all shed tears.
Whether it was for her or maybe it was for me,
God gave her 537, and set her spirit free.

Now every time I hear that hymn, I close my eyes and see,
Mama in that pew, singin’ free.
She hadn’t sung since she turned eighty, you see,
But God gave her 537, or He gave that song to me?

God, that was some recessional! Appreciate ya!

God Gave Her Hymn #537 —Music and Lyrics by Alan Nafzger

God Gave Her Hymn 537 -- inging in a church. Her face is the focus, capturing her peaceful expression as she sings 2.
God Gave Her Hymn 537 — Now every time I hear that hymn, I close my eyes and see, Mama in that pew, singin’ free.


God Gave Her Hymn 537 -- pew on a Sunday morning, singing with her eyes closed and a peaceful smile. She is dressed1.
God Gave Her Hymn 537 — Whether it was for her or maybe it was for me, God gave her 537, and set her spirit free.

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