Regenerative in the EU and : policies that … – {5/20/2024

On 22 September, the Environmental Bureau (EEB) organised a workshop to discuss the potential role of public policies in enhancing the transition towards regenerative , both at EU and level. Soil health, central to organic farming, is also at the hearth of regenerative . As both movements share the common objective of protecting and enhancing soil health, we …

– Farming

2021 census is designed to capture detailed information on land use, crop areas, livestock numbers and labour force on farms. This census will gather data on: Labour: includes number of principal farmers, managers, regular and casual workers plus age, sex of principal holders and managers, and time spent on farm work.

#NAME? – {7/26/2024

. is where our heritage is. It’s the experience, expertise and passion of our farmers right across the that ensures the signature quality of our meat offering. We invest heavily in our farmers and the rearing process for two reasons. Firstly, to ensure that we are as good to work with as we can possibly be, and …