Full article: A New Dawn? The ’s Emergent Agri-food Trade … – {6/26/2024

Note upland farming may be entitled to receive higher levels of subsidy: on the payments made to farmers, see A Swinbank, “The ’s Agri-food trade policies one year on from Brexit” (2022) 21 (2) EuroChoices 11. 36 2021, Ibid, 26. 37 Ibid, 30; United Kingdom Food Security Report 2021 (above n22), 207–08.

Insights | – {6/26/2024

The Brazilian Farmer’s Mind 2022. For the third year in a row, McKinsey has set out to better understand the global state of , gathering opinions and perspectives from more than 5,600 farmers around the world, ~750 in Brazil. The planet has been—and continues to be—rocked by volatile forces, and farmers have not escaped their …

… – {6/26/2024

However, policy reports at both national (Defra, 2008) and international (OECD, 2012; The World Bank, 2015) levels, as well as the recent inclusion of behavioural evidence in the background documents of the Union’s Common Policy (CAP) reform and in the related impact assessment ( Commission, 2017c, 2018a), have …

Insights | – 6/26/2024

The Brazilian Farmer’s Mind 2022. For the third year in a row, McKinsey has set out to better understand the global state of , gathering opinions and perspectives from more than 5,600 farmers around the world, ~750 in Brazil. The planet has been—and continues to be—rocked by volatile forces, and farmers have not escaped their …

… – 6/26/2024

However, policy reports at both national (Defra, 2008) and international (OECD, 2012; The World Bank, 2015) levels, as well as the recent inclusion of behavioural evidence in the background documents of the Union’s Common Policy (CAP) reform and in the related impact assessment ( Commission, 2017c, 2018a), have …

ProCam Agronomy & Crop Production Advice and Services – 5/20/2024

Welcome to ProCam – one of the most successful, innovative and customer-driven agronomy and crop production . Whether you’re an arable grower wanting to get more performance and production efficiency from your farm’s resources, an established agronomist looking to further your career or a less experienced …

ProCam Agronomy & Crop Production Advice and Services – {5/20/2024

Welcome to ProCam – one of the most successful, innovative and customer-driven agronomy and crop production . Whether you’re an arable grower wanting to get more performance and production efficiency from your farm’s resources, an established agronomist looking to further your career or a less experienced …