Why is British farming in decline? – Investment Monitor – {6/13/2024

When the joined the Economic Community (which was to become the EU) in 1973, it also joined its Common Policy (CAP), which was based on an allocated price across member states for individual commodities. The price was maintained by intervention, with products being bought and stored when the price fell below a certain …

The ’s Agri‐food Trade Policies One Year On From Brexit – 6/11/2024

Nonetheless, the ’s high tariffs, inherited from the EU’s Common Policy (CAP), remain problematic for products that cannot qualify under these preferential arrangements. The ’s Global Tariff, in force since 1 January 2021, has done away with ‘nearly 500’ so-called ‘nuisance’ tariffs of 2 per cent ad valorem or less.

The ’s Agri‐food Trade Policies One Year On From Brexit – {6/11/2024

Nonetheless, the ’s high tariffs, inherited from the EU’s Common Policy (CAP), remain problematic for products that cannot qualify under these preferential arrangements. The ’s Global Tariff, in force since 1 January 2021, has done away with ‘nearly 500’ so-called ‘nuisance’ tariffs of 2 per cent ad valorem or less.