Regenerative in the EU and : policies that …

On 22 September, the Environmental Bureau (EEB) organised a workshop to discuss the potential role of public policies in enhancing the transition towards regenerative , both at EU and level. Soil health, central to organic farming, is also at the hearth of regenerative . As both movements share the common objective of protecting and enhancing soil health, we …

EU Member States join forces on digitalisation for …

26 countries signed a Declaration of cooperation on ‘A smart and sustainable digital future for and rural areas’ to take a number of actions to support a successful digitalisation of and rural areas in . It recognises the potential of digital technologies to help tackle important and urgent economic, social, climate and environmental …

EU Member States join forces on digitalisation for … – {6/9/2024

26 countries signed a Declaration of cooperation on ‘A smart and sustainable digital future for and rural areas’ to take a number of actions to support a successful digitalisation of and rural areas in . It recognises the potential of digital technologies to help tackle important and urgent economic, social, climate and environmental …

EU Member States join forces on digitalisation for … – 6/9/2024

26 countries signed a Declaration of cooperation on ‘A smart and sustainable digital future for and rural areas’ to take a number of actions to support a successful digitalisation of and rural areas in . It recognises the potential of digital technologies to help tackle important and urgent economic, social, climate and environmental …

50 winning projects showcase the latest farming innovations – 6/8/2024

The Climate Smart Funding competition offered a share of up to £12.5 million to projects that were able to demonstrate solutions that help the sector to reduce emissions and reach net zero aims. Projects were required to identify how they supported farmers, growers and foresters to improve practices and tackle common issues.

50 winning projects showcase the latest farming innovations – {6/8/2024

The Climate Smart Funding competition offered a share of up to £12.5 million to projects that were able to demonstrate solutions that help the sector to reduce emissions and reach net zero aims. Projects were required to identify how they supported farmers, growers and foresters to improve practices and tackle common issues.