Frontier – Frontier
Frontier is the ‘s leading crop production and grain marketing , recognised for its close customer relationships with farmers and grain consumers and its successful management of the arable supply chain.
Business, Food and Farming Directory
Frontier is the ‘s leading crop production and grain marketing , recognised for its close customer relationships with farmers and grain consumers and its successful management of the arable supply chain.
in the sector. have been badly hit, with the pig sector being particularly affected. The food sector is the ’s largest manufacturing sector but faces permanent shrinkage if a failure to address its acute labour shortages leads to wage rises, price increases, reduced competitiveness and, ultimately, food production being exported
The Wellcome Trust, the world’s second-largest charitable foundation, bought the Co-operative Group’s farm , including nearly 40,000 acres of farmland, for £249m in 2014.
farmers and growers identify crop pests and diseases as a priority for innovation and a significant threat to production. Worldwide, it is estimated that 20% to 40% of crop yield is lost to pests and diseases. faces increasing pressure from pests and diseases, due to a combination of: new non-indigenous threats
Mobilising the ‘s urban farming and agritech community Urban AgriTech, or UKUAT, brings together the ’s key players in the world of Controlled Environment (CEA). We are a cross-industry group comprising growers, researchers, equipment producers, architects, educators and enthusiastic individuals, all devoted to promoting CEA as a solution for food and environmental crises.
Mobilising the ‘s urban farming and agritech community Urban AgriTech, or UKUAT, brings together the ’s key players in the world of Controlled Environment (CEA). We are a cross-industry group comprising growers, researchers, equipment producers, architects, educators and enthusiastic individuals, all devoted to promoting CEA as a solution for food and environmental crises.
farmers and growers identify crop pests and diseases as a priority for innovation and a significant threat to production. Worldwide, it is estimated that 20% to 40% of crop yield is lost to pests and diseases. faces increasing pressure from pests and diseases, due to a combination of: new non-indigenous threats
Mobilising the ‘s urban farming and agritech community Urban AgriTech, or UKUAT, brings together the ’s key players in the world of Controlled Environment (CEA). We are a cross-industry group comprising growers, researchers, equipment producers, architects, educators and enthusiastic individuals, all devoted to promoting CEA as a solution for food and environmental crises.
farmers and growers identify crop pests and diseases as a priority for innovation and a significant threat to production. Worldwide, it is estimated that 20% to 40% of crop yield is lost to pests and diseases. faces increasing pressure from pests and diseases, due to a combination of: new non-indigenous threats
Since the expansion of the Union (EU) in 2004, the farming and food sector has recruited large numbers of migrant workers from central and eastern EU countries. The decision by the electorate in 2016 to leave the EU – what has been termed Brexit – has created a ‘crisis’ in relation to the continued supply of migrant …
The Wellcome Trust, the world’s second-largest charitable foundation, bought the Co-operative Group’s farm , including nearly 40,000 acres of farmland, for £249m in 2014.
Source: Co-operatives *figures taken from company websites The turnover of the ’s co-operatives grew by a third between 2010 and 2015, from £4.8bn to £6.2bn.
In addition to investment, Stephanie advises start-up from one the ’s leading Agtech incubators, Farm491, based at the Royal University in Cirencester, which focuses on the future of farming and food systems.
In addition to investment, Stephanie advises start-up from one the ’s leading Agtech incubators, Farm491, based at the Royal University in Cirencester, which focuses on the future of farming and food systems.
is on the brink of a period of potentially great change. For the last 40+ years policy has been set at an EU level, both in terms of the CAP (Common Policy) and environment policy. Brexit offers the chance to profoundly reflect on the direction we are going and to change things.
is on the brink of a period of potentially great change. For the last 40+ years policy has been set at an EU level, both in terms of the CAP (Common Policy) and environment policy. Brexit offers the chance to profoundly reflect on the direction we are going and to change things.
With on the frontline of many climate impacts, it’s important that the ’s farmers are resilient and able to operate viable and produce food in a more challenging climate. We have already seen more and more severe flooding events happening across the country, alongside periods of drought and high temperatures and …
With on the frontline of many climate impacts, it’s important that the ’s farmers are resilient and able to operate viable and produce food in a more challenging climate. We have already seen more and more severe flooding events happening across the country, alongside periods of drought and high temperatures and …
The Bill passed into law as the Act 2020 on 11 November 2020. This Act will pave the way for change in the industry following Brexit. It will also reward farms for for sustainability measures and public goods. The main change you can expect from this Act is that a system …
The Bill passed into law as the Act 2020 on 11 November 2020. This Act will pave the way for change in the industry following Brexit. It will also reward farms for for sustainability measures and public goods. The main change you can expect from this Act is that a system …
In addition to investment, Stephanie advises start-up from one the ’s leading Agtech incubators, Farm491, based at the Royal University in Cirencester, which focuses on the future of farming and food systems.
is on the brink of a period of potentially great change. For the last 40+ years policy has been set at an EU level, both in terms of the CAP (Common Policy) and environment policy. Brexit offers the chance to profoundly reflect on the direction we are going and to change things.
With on the frontline of many climate impacts, it’s important that the ’s farmers are resilient and able to operate viable and produce food in a more challenging climate. We have already seen more and more severe flooding events happening across the country, alongside periods of drought and high temperatures and …
The Bill passed into law as the Act 2020 on 11 November 2020. This Act will pave the way for change in the industry following Brexit. It will also reward farms for for sustainability measures and public goods. The main change you can expect from this Act is that a system …
in the sector. have been badly hit, with the pig sector being particularly affected. The food sector is the ’s largest manufacturing sector but faces permanent shrinkage if a failure to address its acute labour shortages leads to wage rises, price increases, reduced competitiveness and, ultimately, food production being exported
The Wellcome Trust, the world’s second-largest charitable foundation, bought the Co-operative Group’s farm , including nearly 40,000 acres of farmland, for £249m in 2014.
The Partnership creates a forum for farmers, academics, researchers, and policymakers across the to address common challenges. Together we hope to improve collaborative working and find innovative solutions to tackle biodiversity decline, meet net zero targets and grow high-quality food.
The Partnership creates a forum for farmers, academics, researchers, and policymakers across the to address common challenges. Together we hope to improve collaborative working and find innovative solutions to tackle biodiversity decline, meet net zero targets and grow high-quality food.
Purpose: Farm in England are under pressure to intensify production sustainably while managing costs and meeting market demands. Commodity prices and support from Common Policy (CAP) payments are important determinants of profitability. With the United Kingdom () leaving
Newcastle University. (4.3) Our range of research areas relates to crop science, soil science, ecological (organic) , and water Read more… 36 months Full time degree: £4,712 per year () 72 months Part time degree: £2,356 per year () Apply now Visit website Request info. Compare.
Newcastle University. (4.3) Our range of research areas relates to crop science, soil science, ecological (organic) , and water Read more… 36 months Full time degree: £4,712 per year () 72 months Part time degree: £2,356 per year () Apply now Visit website Request info. Compare.
The UN Food and Organization (FAO) has projected that the conflict in Ukraine will lead to a rise in global food prices in 2022 of between 8% and 22%. It could lead to an increase of 13 million more chronically undernourished people this year, and 17 million more in 2023. Impact on the : price increases predicted